



(One of my favorite places is Lan Yu( 蘭嶼) in Taiwan. After few

monthsplanning and finally we were able to make it come true. 

Blue sky seemswelcome us already when we were in the plane.


這是當我們飛機靠近蘭嶼所拍攝的. 再次的,它藍藍的天帶著它可愛的笑容


This is when we are close to the land of Lan Yu.  Again,

blue sky and white cloud extended their welcome to us by

showing us their fresh and beutiful faces.



在未來的幾篇介紹 我會介紹我所住得這間民宿及故事哦! 它有270度的view哦!

Yes, I am sure you can tell that this picture was shooting from

inside of the  room since it shows reflection of the window. 

 Later on, I will share how magnificent our room is.  It has 270 degree

view from our room.  The clouds flying in many different ways....


這是另外的一個角度所拍攝到的. 天氣熱到"火紅火辣"的 我們都快被烤焦了

This is one of views from another angle when we finally walked

outside  the room.  The tempature there was "red hot".



我問其中的一個人是否要生吃這些魚呢? 不然為何要清理呢?

猜猜他說什麼? "我們需要清理這些魚,我們太太才能煮給我們吃哦!

原來他們疼愛老婆啦!  還有看到這些色彩鮮豔的魚兒們 真是賞心悅目哦!

As you can see from the picture that these are the fishes

caught by these men. I asked one of them about if they were

going to eat them raw since they were cleaning the fishes. 

Guess what them said?!  "We need to clean them for

our wives because they will cook for us; otherwise,

fishes will just sit in the freezer"I was amazed by the colors

 of those fishes.


嘿嘿! 我聽到很多人都說蘭嶼的老人是不喜歡拍照哦! 因為他們相信靈魂

會被攝取!? 當這個老人在捕魚時,我偷偷得從他背後給照了下來!


He he.... I have heard many people told me that "do not take pictures

of elderlys in Lan Yu" due to they believe once they are in the pictures,

their soul will be also captured.  Well, this old man was trying to catch

some fishes and as you can see, I was able to capture this photo from

his back. What he wears for underwear is very typical for Lan Yu

older generation males.( 丁字褲)  I feel lucky I was able to take this

unusual photo.



我們在轉身時,只見海邊的被包而他早已躍入海中, 就像一隻缺水已久的


That is my brother who walked down the beach and I thought it was a

good match for my photo. Guess what?  He only stay on the beach for

 few minutes then when we turned to him again, he already jumpped

into the ocean swim like a thirsty fish.



我們沒有丁字褲啦! 只有可愛小褲褲啦! Hey, just look Doris's posture and

you can see how wonderful the feelingthat we stepped into the coean. 

Kids just took their pants and enjoyed theocean breeze and coolness.


我哦? 沒有帶泳衣啦! 不過我也不會show啦! 很可惜沒能划這獨木舟啦!

Of course I have to show my face here and let you use your imagination

how enjoy I was by the beach.  It was too bad that I was not abl to do

 any rafting myself. 


蘭與著名的捕漁船哦! Lan Yu famous boat for fishing. 

The size of the boat can be small and largeand small boat only

can fit for three people and large one can be for 6 . 8

or 1o people. I hope this brief introduction of Lan Yu can induce some

interest for you to come and visit when you come to Taiwan next time

for visit.  There are more ptotos to come in next few days. This is the website that you can read for more

detail in Chinese. 造舟可分造小船及大船,小船是僅容一人至三人乘用者,大船則是由六人、八人、十人乘用






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