

Blog Addiction {部落格癮}

Is there  a such term? 有這樣的名詞嗎

 I never thought that I would be addicted to the blog, but I think I am.

Symptoms: 症狀如下

                         1.  the first thing I do in the morning is go to my blog 早上第一件事去看部落格

                         2.  After my work, I check my blog 下班後去看部落格

                          3.  Before I go to bed, I check my blog 睡覺前再去看部落格

                          4.  I talk to my friends about blog every 15 minutes

                           5.  Whenever I go to a new place, I think  it might be a good post for blog

                           6.  I invited most of my close friends/relatives to see my blog

                           7.  I want to take good pictures for my blog

                            8.  I share my work in my blog

                            9.  I dream about it in my sleep

                          10.  I even wrote this "blog addiction" in my blog

Check how many "symptoms" you have,

If you have at least four of them,

 then I believe you are also addicted to BLOG.


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