


(Started last few days ago[Friday], my heart fills with happiness,)


(The happiness even lasts till Sunday meal time).

怎麼說呢? 它是從ㄧ封email開始的,這當中還有點趣味性哦!

(Why? It all started from a MSN message),


(My brother sent me a short message and it states: check these three people's name on my facebook),

當時的我看得我一頭霧水,這三個人我一個都不認識啊? 為什麼要去看他們呢?

(At the time, I was puzzled about these three people, I have no idea who they are)


(After short while, one of them wanted to add me as his friend,I then check who


is our mutual friend,then I saw my brother's name, so I added him as a friend on facebook)

我的"美貌"(哈! 博君一笑吧)! 他的外表看起來有點像是菲律賓的白人呢!

(I thought he maybe wants to have more friends to look better on the facebook,

or he "likes" my beautiful appearance[I know it is my imagination]!!  By the way,

His appearance looks like a philipino white though).

然後,我花了一整天的時間在想,到底這三個人是誰啊? 最後,我寫了email問了我老弟,

(Then, I spent a whole day tried to think who are there three people?! Finally, I sent an

email to my brother and asked them who are they).


(As a result,I wouldn't know who they are if my brother did not clearly told me)

原來,他們是我的表哥表弟表妹. 老實說,我跟他們已經有至少20年沒連絡了,

(I found out they are my biological cousins).

因為我移美後,我很少機會跟他再連絡了, 而且,在台灣的家又搬離了更遠,

(Because I have immigrated to the USA, I have lost contact with them.)


(The most funny thing is I totally forgot about one of them is a mix).


(That is the one I mentioned earlier he looks like a phillipino White person).


(Even I would guessed a thousand times, I would not remember they are

blood related cousins). [I know, shame on me]!

你知道嗎? 這幾天我一直在想這件令我開心的親人尋回記,讓我想起我還曾經幫他們換過尿布呢!還有,

Do you know? Just past few days, I have been so happy about able to reconnect with them

again, it reminds me that I have changed their diapers when they were babies.)

至今我存留著其中一位表哥送我的運動袋呢!那時的我,還在小學呢, 我們常常有機會一起相聚,

(Also, I am still using one athlete bag that oldest counsin gave me before I came to the USA)


(I like that younger years because it was a happy and worry-free years for me).


(Now, I have chance to reconnect with them again, thaks to God.  I hope I can use

this reconnection to make each other's life more beautiful memories).


p.s. Thanks to facebook techology!!



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